Know Your Customer (KYC)

















Shipper Needs to Provide us valid KYC Documents for sending the Shipments outside India. This is Indian Custom's requirement, which has to be fulfilled. Provide us KYC as per the details given below: 

S.No. Type/Form of organization Documents to be obtained (Any 2 documents)
1 Individual/Propretorship

1. Passport

2. PAN Card

3. Voter's Identity card

4. Driving license

5. Bank Account Passbook Copy with Photo

6. Adhar Card

2 Company

1. Certificate of Incorporation

2. Memorandum of Association

3. Articles of Association

4. Power of Attorney granted to its managers, officers or employees to transact business on its behalf

5. Copy of PAN allotment letter

6. Copy of telephone bill


Partnership Firm

1. Registration certificate, if registered

2. Partnership deed

3. Power of Attorney granted to a partner or an employee of the firm to transact business on its behalf

4. Any officially valid document identifying the partners and the person holding the Power of Attorney and their addresses

5. Telephone bill in the name of firm/partners

4 Trust Foundations

1. Certificate of Registration, if registered

2. Power of Attorney granted to transact business on its behalf

3. Any officially valid documents to identify the trustees, settlers, beneficiaries and those holding the Power of Attorney, founders/managers/directors and their addresses

4. Resolution of the managing body of the foundation/association

5. Telephone bill

Telephone Bill must not be more than 3 months Old.

All KYC Documents & Invoice must be stamped / signed by the Shipper.



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Logistics Services

BXL Worldwide Couriers offers total Logistics solutions that include Transportation, Warehousing and Distribution.

Express Services

When it is Very Urgent, We have very Fast services to Offer. Time bound Services.

Mail Services

Slow Services, for Non-Time Sensitive Shipments.

We Deal - By Air / By Sea / By Road, All Services Under One Roof.

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Contact Us

FCML WORLDWIDE COURIERS.Postal Address : 455, Sohan Palace, Opposite Telephone Exchange, The Mall, Ludhiana-141001, Punjab, India

Phone: 91 161 2772567, 91 161 4635567,
91 9814012567, 91 9888822567